The Verifyfaces project was born out of a desire to develop a security system with ‘enterprise performance and features’ without the huge costs associated with proprietary hardware and specialist IT support.
Due to its compatibility with existing hardware and its unique cloud-based platform, the VerifyFaces video face matching system offers businesses the same quality of outcome as the large proprietary systems, without the price tag.
Manually monitoring security surveillance data is very inefficient, possibly taking hours if not days to detect an intrusion. Verify will quickly and accurately match faces against pre-set galleries, alerting you when a person enters your premises or requests access. The Verify solution streamlines surveillance with increased accuracy and lower operating costs.
Verifyfaces features one of the world’s most advanced facial recognition system available to private enterprise. The face matching algorithm, which is the same as that used by most of the western countries for Border Protection, Security, Passport Control and SmartGates, has been proven in the field for over 40 years.